The Diary of Robins Toys 10 Books Box Set Collection (10 Books)

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Titles in This Set﹕

1) Roger The Reindeer

2) Geraldo The Giraffe

3) Leon The Lion

4) Gavin The Gorilla and Snuffles

5) Taffy The Rabbit

6) Clarence The Camel

7) Donkey Hoo-Tee

8) Carlos The Cod

9) Carla The Cow

10) Bertie The Bee

Description :

One of the strengths of the Diary of Robin's Toys series is its focus on imagination and creativity. The books encourage children to use their imaginations and see the world from different perspectives, and they celebrate the joy and wonder of childhood.

Another strength of the series is the character development of the toys. Each book in the series focuses on a different toy and their unique personality and journey. Children will identify with the toys' struggles and triumphs and will be inspired to embrace their own individuality and creativity.

The illustrations in the Diary of Robin's Toys series are also a standout feature. The colourful, detailed illustrations bring the toys and their world to life, and they capture the warmth and whimsy of the series perfectly.

In conclusion, the Diary of Robin's Toys is a delightful series of children's books that celebrates the power of imagination, friendship, and creativity. With its lovable characters, charming illustrations, and heartwarming messages, the series is the perfect choice for young readers who are just beginning to explore the world of books.

Roger The Reindeer

When Roger started to tell Robin and Grandad his story, he admitted that he had problems with reading. So he never bothered to read labels. That was alright until he left home and then the trouble started. After his problems with giant rhubarb, he became determined to learn to read properly and that landed him the best Reindeer job of all!

Geraldo The Giraffe

Geraldo was another great buy for Robin he had a very interesting story to tell and a great explanation about giraffes and sore throats. He was also getting bored with his simple diet of leaves so he tried an experiment with people food. That brought its own problems but what happened helped Robins's friend Caroline with her own difficulties!

Leon The Lion

When Robin bought Leon the Lion from the car-boot sale, he expected him to be fierce and scary but that could not have been further from the truth. Just how did the King of the Jungle turn into the King of the Jingle? Well you will have to read the book to find out!

Gavin The Gorilla and Snuffles

Robin did not know much about Gorillas until he bought Gavin. He thought that they were all about chest-thumping and making loud noises. He thought they were fierce and scary and that little dogs like Snuffles were cute and cuddly. He soon found out that this was not always so. When Gavin the Gorilla was being picked on, who do you think came to the rescue?

Taffy The Rabbit

Taffy was a Welsh rabbit and can you guess what his favourite sport was? Yes that's right, it was Rugby. It was his ambition in life to watch Wales play England but how could he ever save up enough to buy the ticket? What Robin learned from Taffy really helped his scout group, but how?

Clarence The Camel

Camels were unusual on the car-boot sale and fortunately, Robin could afford to buy Clarence, but Clarence was not the perfect Camel. In fact, at first he thought that he was swift and a bit too clever. It took a hard lesson in life to learn what grown-ups call "humility" but learning that lesson brought him a great reward!

Donkey Hoo-Tee

Before Robin first chose Donkey Hoo-Tee he could not imagine what life was like for a donkey on the Plains of Spain. Well he soon found out that it was very hard work! That was until he won something that would change his life forever, but it took a very special man to help him do it. How strange that they both had the same name!

Carlos The Cod

Although most fish live in big shoals do they all have to do the same things? And is that such a good idea? Have you ever wondered what fish do in a big aquarium? Well Carlos the cod told Robin that they watch people. And what a funny lot those people are and what strange habits they have!

Carla The Cow

When Robin bought Carla the Cow from Petes Treats stall at the car-boot sale, he was warned that she was moody and selfish but he bought her anyway. He soon found out that the other cows did not like her, but when she realised this, she made a real effort to fit in with the herd but how did she do it?

Bertie The Bee

Robin went to the car-boot sale to buy something which could fly, something like an aeroplane or a helicopter. He did not imagine that he would go home with something which could fly and make honey as well! He soon learned so much about bees that he was really glad that he had bought Bertie.


Book Information



ISBN: 9781782260318


Edition: Paperback

Height (cm): 

Width (cm): 

Number of pages:

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